farm to table photoshoot

Decorating for Thanksgiving

Decorating for Thanksgiving


I can smell it now: the pumpkin pie cooling on the windowsill, the marshmallow topping melting over the tender yams, and the glorious turkey (or ham) sizzling in the oven, filling up your kitchen with the best of scents. It’s one of my favorite times of year, and I can’t wait until get to put up my decorations every year! There’s so many great ideas for sprucing up your home with autumn’s charm, but I’ll start you off with a couple of my favorite picks.

The first place you think of when thanksgiving runs across your mind is the dinner table. The whole holiday takes place around it! It’s always a challenge preparing the feast you eat off it, let alone sorting through the difficulties that come in deciding how to decorate it! But once you decide on a general theme, everything falls into place. For example, pumpkins never fail to bring the fruits of fall into your dining room, and to break from the mold you can use white pumpkins to foster a softer atmosphere, and paired with some candles, white flowers, and other accent pieces that fit your theme, you get an all around cleaner look. 

Or, focus on rounds of wood for your place settings and surround them with greenery for a rustic, earthy style. If you’re not as much into wood slices, you can get the same farmhouse look with rope coil charges, and they’re not hard to make yourself! For the plates themselves, follow your color palette and either fold your napkins into a festive shape, or use them as an accent to the rest of the table. Use bits of greenery, like a sprig of sage on your plate setting as a garnish of sorts. While it’s not much on its own, it’s the small things that really pull a style together.


One thing you want to avoid is a busy table, though. The only thing you want overwhelming your guests is the sense of awe they get from staring at your beautiful table full of wonderful food, right before they dig in. Holidays are my favorite times of the year, and they’re one of those few moments in life where you can really make something your own. You can spend forever thinking about all the different trends and styles going around these days, but it’s important to remember to do what you like to do, since it’s your own home, after all. So take some of these ideas, put in some of your own, and make this thanksgiving one for the photo album!

Hosting the Perfect Farm to Table Dinner Party

What better way to usher in summer sun, longer nights, and warmer temperatures than hosting a beautiful farm to table dinner? Gather up your friends and some good wine, and make it happen! We recently styled this gorgeous spread, and have a few tips for you as you plan your own!

-Be flexible: When working with local produce and farm-to-table recipes, you have to have a loosely planned menu in case an ingredient doesn’t pan out. Be flexible and keep your mind open to last minute changes.

-Prepare as much as you can ahead of time:  Mason jars and other glass containers can hold dressings, drinks, and other side items that you want to prep early on. You want lots of time with your guests, and fresh food is why you are there!

-Don’t forget seasonal drinks! We love the idea of a basil lemonade, or fruit infused waters to add some extra flair to your menu. Large glass drink dispensers look beautiful wreathed in greenery and filled with pretty waters!

-Send your guests home with goodies! We whipped up some little preserve jars with mini wooden spoons, and tucked them inside strawberry containers for a reusable favor. Other ideas would be recipes (especially for the foods you served that evening), glass jars, pretty dishtowels, or soaps from local artisans.

-Lastly, set the mood! Beautiful lighting and styled decor (of course we love the look of ample greenery, crisp whites and linens, and simple glass cups with twine and burlap mixed in) can help make your guests feel at home and welcome. If you’re interested in professional styling, give me a call!