New Year, New Start!

When you set out to pursue a dream, it can be a very lonely path. There will be those who don’t believe in you, and many people who want to tear you down along the way. But it doesn't have to be that way, and that’s what my hope is for the new year! I hope we can all recognize potential in one another as we set out in a new year, and find it in our hearts to not let our own insecurities prevent us from supporting and caring about others and their dreams (no matter how big!). As an interior designer in a small-ish town, I can see how one could feel threatened or jealous when it seems the community is small, or that the customer base is similar, but I truly believe we can all benefit from joining together instead of vying for top spot. I love collaborating with others, appreciating their individual strengths, and offering the wisdom that I’ve gained along the way! Here are a few more ways we can all be more intentional this year:



-Be thoughtful: Look out for ways that you can help others who may be in your community or even in the same field as you. Keep your eye out for young people whom you could mentor or help get started, encourage those who are just getting started, and bring them a coffee or a note of inspiration as they begin their journey.

-Be Kind: Speak life-giving words. If someone in your field or a similar business comes up in conversation, make a point of saying something positive about them or their work. Look for easy ways to connect people like florists, photographers, or stylists, with each other, so they can help grow their business. Review and rate other vendors on Facebook, share their posts, and include them in your blogs, so they can get credit for their hard work and beautiful efforts!

-Be intentional: Set aside time in your week or month to give back to the community from your own business, even if you don’t get any monetary or physical gain from it. Consider donating time to a charity event, helping raise money for a worthy cause, or lending your talents to someone in a time of need, such as at a funeral or a family event where finances are tight. Whether it’s every Tuesday, where you donate an hour or two to someone, or even just once a month, you will find that giving back truly is the best reward.

As people set out on their big dreams and new goals for the year, be sure to find kindness and encouragement for them as they get started. After all, you’d want others in your corner cheering you on, as well! If you do this, I think you will find others will want to support you too. That’s true community.