Space Saving Strategies

There has been a lot of talk in 2021 about cleaning house and getting rid of clutter! We love it. A functional house is often one that is tidy and organized, and that you feel peaceful in. I have come across some awesome ways to achieve more storage space in your home, no matter the size. For those of you with very little storage, these will be particularly helpful, because they free up drawers and shelves!



-Digitize your images: Nothing scares me more than losing photos. It’s every mom’s worst nightmare; to lose images and memories that can never be replaced. That’s why I was so happy to find this mini USB that connects right into an iPhone. Even if you have the Cloud or digital storage, having one additional space where your photos are will give you peace of mind. This little USB is under $20, and can plug right into an iPhone and download your photos on it. I’d recommend keeping one or more copies, and putting one in a safe deposit box or a fireproof safe. You’ll want to update it every six months or so. It frees up storage because you don’t have to keep making tons of prints in fear of losing your Facebook memories or phone photos.

-Tackle box junk drawer: Do you have a junk drawer that makes you crazy? We all have one place where all the random stuff goes, whether it’s an actual drawer, or a cupboard or basket. I saw a great idea for using a tackle box that goes hidden into a cupboard or pantry, filled with the things that you’d normally put in a junk drawer, like: charger cords, scissors, post its, pushpins, paper clips, tape, glue, etc. You will also free up a drawer, which can be precious real estate in a kitchen or office!

-Under the bed bins and organizers: For those who have no room for an extra dresser, under the bed bins are a lifesaver. While we know those are nothing new, we hadn’t seen one that had dividers for shirts before. It’s under $30, and it really can replace or give you a drawer’s worth of space! Find it HERE. You can usually fit 2-3 of these organizers under a queen size bed, which can really improve your ability to store off-season clothes or shoes that are bulky.

-Tight space shelving: I have seen some brilliant little shelves that are built behind a door in a laundry room. Although they are not as aesthetically pleasing to the eye, they can really amp up your storage in a very small space. They also come in wire versions that are very inexpensive, and that can be hidden in a closet or a mudroom wall.

If you are struggling to make your space work for you, please let me know. I would love to brainstorm with you about how to choose furnishings or decor that makes the most of the space you are working with. Please reach out today, and we can get started!